Friday, December 28, 2007

Inaugurazione del nuovo Canale Televisivo Internazionale di Shanghai 上海文广传媒新闻集团旗下上海国际频道

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Sezione di Shanghai
意大利驻沪总领事馆 文化处

è lieto di annunciare che il Direttore Paolo Sabbatini parteciperà, come “testimonial” per la cultura italiana, all’Inaugurazione del nuovo Canale Televisivo Internazionale di Shanghai del gruppo mediatico “Shanghai Media Group”

L’inaugurazione sarà trasmessa in diretta lunedì 31 dicembre 2007, dalle ore 21 in poi.
Il nuovo canale televisivo effettuerà 19 ore di trasmissioni giornaliere in lingua straniera, su argomenti di cultura e attualità.

意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处很高兴通知大家 倪波路处长将作为意大利文化代表参加



The Culture Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai is delighted to announce that the Director Paolo Sabbatini will participate, as “testimonial” for Italian culture, in

the Opening Ceremony of the “International Channel Shanghai” of the “Shanghai Media Group”

The opening will be live telecast on December 31st, 2007 (Monday), from 9:00 p.m.
The new channel will telecast culture and news programs in foreign language for 19 hours every day.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Fiat opens China financing wing

Auto supplier Fiat Group China yesterday announced the establishment of Fiat Automotive Finance Co Ltd (Fiat AFC), the Italian industrial conglomerate's auto-financing arm in China, after receiving government approval.

A Fiat booth at a Shanghai auto exhibition. Auto supplier Fiat Group China yesterday announced the establishment of Fiat Automotive Finance Co Ltd (Fiat AFC), the Italian industrial conglomerate's auto-financing arm in China, after receiving government approval.
With a registered capital of 500 million yuan, Fiat AFC will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of FIDIS SpA, Fiat Group Automobiles' financial services company, which has operated around the world for 25 years.

From the beginning of 2008, Fiat AFC will provide retail and dealer financing services for the entire line of vehicles produced and sold by Fiat Group companies in China, both under its brands and the brands of local partners, the company said in Shanghai yesterday.

Fiat AFC will provide financial services to not only Fiat-brand passenger cars, but also luxury brands Ferrari and Maserati, Iveco commercial vehicles and Case construction equipment.
"It is strategically important that our financing services arrived in China. Fiat AFC will be the financial services arm of all Fiat Group companies operating in this second biggest and fastest-growing automotive market," said Alain Breuils, chairman of Fiat AFC and Fiat Group worldwide financing services senior vice-president.
"With an experienced and dedicated management team, advanced IT system, tailor-made products and risk management competence, we are making efforts to provide full support to Fiat Group customers, dealers and industrial partners, growing with them in the Chinese market," Carlo Nizia, CEO of Fiat AFC, added.

Since the first auto financing company GMAC-SAIC Automotive Finance Co Ltd was established in August 2004, China has given the go-ahead to a fleet of global auto groups offering loans to local customers. They include General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota, DaimlerChrysler, PSA Peugeot Citroen and Volvo AB.

In January, Nissan and Dongfeng, the third-largest Chinese auto group also began operating their own auto financing partnership.

According to a September report by the Xinhua News Agency, the country's first auto financing company, GMAC-SAIC AFC, celebrating its third anniversary in China, announced an increase of 125 percent in its retail financing business compared to the same period last year.
The company, which provides wholesale financing services to 440 auto dealerships nationwide, saw its operating assets exceed $1.3 billion as of the end of August.

Statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers show that domestic auto sales volume reached a record 7.15 million units during the January-October period, equivalent to nearly all of last year's sales.
[China Daily]

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RADIO SHANGHAI su “Il Palazzo della Memoria di Matteo Ricci” - 上海人民广播电台

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Sezione di Shanghai
意大利驻沪总领事馆 文化处

è lieto di annunciare che il Direttore Paolo Sabbatini rilascerà un’intervista radiofonica a:

RADIO SHANGHAI su “Il Palazzo della Memoria di Matteo Ricci”

Data: venerdì 28 dicembre 2007, ore 13.05 e 17.05 / Sabato 29 dicembre 2007, ore 4.30 (Frequenza AM 990)

Musica di sottofondo: arrangiamento al pianoforte di Paolo Sabbatini su arie musicali di Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.


上海人民广播电台 “利玛窦的记忆之宫”

将于2007年12月28日(周五)下午13:05和17:05 / 12月29日(周六)早晨4:30在AM990频率播出。
背景音乐:倪波路处长根据Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina的咏叹调改编的钢琴曲。

The Culture Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai
is delighted to announce the radio interview of the Director Paolo Sabbatini at

SHANGHAI RADIO on “The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci”

Date: December 28th, 2007 (Friday), @ 1:05 & 5:05 p.m./December 29th, (Saturday), @ 4:30 am

During the interview, the famous arias by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina arranged by Paolo Sabbatini, will be broadcasted.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

show artistico del fotografo - 摄影家王刚峰艺术作品展

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Sezione di Shanghai
意大利驻沪总领事馆 文化处

è lieto di segnalare lo show artistico del fotografo


nel quadro di “Contesta Rock Hair”

Data: giovedì 20 dicembre 2007, ore 19:00
Luogo: Topnotch bdg., 137 Wuyuan Lu, Shanghai.

Durante lo show, curato da Andrea Franceschetti, esecuzione pianistica del M° Oleg Roschin.


“Contesta Rock Hair”呈现


将于2007年12月20日(周四)19:00 在五原路137号Topnotch举行。
该展览由Andrea Franceschetti策划。
钢琴家Oleg Roschin届时将进行表演。

The Culture Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai
is delighted to announce the art show of the photographer


during the context of “Contesta Rock Hair”

Date: Dicember 20th , 2007 (Thursday), @ 7 p.m.
Location: Topnotch building, 137 Wuyuan lu, Shanghai.

During the show, cured by Andrea Franceschetti, a music performance will be held by Oleg Roschin.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pirelli Calendar 2008 - Press Conference Shanghai 29 Nov 2007

Link:Press Conference Video

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Inaugurazione della Settimana del Design e del Mobilio italiano “为设计喝彩”意大利家具文化周

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Sezione di Shanghai
意大利驻沪总领事馆 文化处

E’ lieto di segnalare il seguente evento culturale, che ha co-organizzato
in collaborazione con la rivista cinese Anjia Magazine:

Inaugurazione della Settimana del Design e del Mobilio italiano

Ora: dalle 13.30 alle 16.30, sabato 15 dicembre 2007
presso JSWB Global Home Furnishing Center, Jia Song Zhong Lu 5369, Shanghai
Sono previsti interventi dei seguenti architetti e designers italiani:
1. Renato Russi “the combination of the Italian design elements with Chinese Furniture”
2. Enrico Taranta “Digital Rinascimento”
3. Francesco Gatti “New Concept of Interior Design”
4. Angelo Garbanati “Trend of the Italian Furniture”
5. Dimitri Albino “Communicate the design: the Italian way”
Si puo’ prendere il pulman:
alle 12 del 15 dicembre 2007 da JSWB Hongqiao Branch (Lou Shan Guan Lu 75)
alle 11.30 dall’Universita’ Tongji e all’Universita’ Donghua alle 17 dal JSWB Global Home Furnishing Center
Per ulteriori dettagli, telefonare al numero: 021 6975 5741



时间:2007年12月15日周六13:30 – 16:30
1. Renato Russi “意大利设计元素与中国家具的结合”
2. Enrico Taranta “数码文艺复兴”
3. Francesco Gatti “室内设计新概念”
4. Angelo Garbanati “意大利家具潮流”
5. Dimitri Albino “表达设计:意大利方式”
2007年12月15日12时 吉盛伟邦虹桥店(娄山关路75号)
11时30分 同济大学—东华大学
17时 吉盛伟邦国际家具村
详情清洽:021 6975 5741

The Culture Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai
is delighted to inform on the following cultural event:

opening of the Italian Furniture Design Week

Time: from 13:30 to 16:30, Saturday 15 December 2007
at JSWB Global Home Furnishing Center, No.5369 Jia Song Zhong Lu, Shanghai
The following Italian architects and designers will give speeches:
1. Renato Russi “the combination of the Italian design elements with Chinese Furniture”
2. Enrico Taranta “Digital Rinascimento”
3. Francesco Gatti “New Concept of Interior Design”
4. Angelo Garbanati “Trend of the Italian Furniture”
5. Dimitri Albino “Communicate the design: the Italian way”
The participants can take bus:
At 12 of December 15 2007 from JSWB Hongqiao Branch (No.75 Lou Shan Guan Lu)
at 11:30 from Tongji University and from Donghua University at 17 from JSWB Global Home Furnishing Center
For further information, please call at 021 6975 5741

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Arrivato in Italia il primo studente cinese sulla Televisione Digitale Interattiva 第一个去意大利学习数字电视的中国人

(Comunicato Stampa)

Arrivato in Italia il primo studente cinese
Televisione Digitale Interattiva
(3°Master IDTV Università degli Studi di Milano)

Lunedi scorso è atterrato a Milano, direttamente da Shanghai, il primo studente cinese per partecipare al 3° Master IDTV, sulla televisione digitale interattiva, organizzato dalla Università degli Studi di Milano.

Zhou Lei, laureatosi alla Shanghai Jiao Tong University, una delle più prestigiose della Cina, è il primo studente cinese che studierà Televisione Digitale Interattiva in Italia.

Lo studente cinese, sponsorizzato dalla multinazionale cinese Huawei che gli ha pagato sia il volo aereo che la quota di partecipazione al Master stesso, rappresenta un ulteriore concreto risultato delle collaborazioni in corso tra Università degli Studi di Milano, “Consorzio DITE” e “Agenzia per la Cina”.

“Attraverso il China Media Lab, il laboratorio sui Media e Business Innovation, nato dalla collaborazione tra Agenzia per la Cina e il Consorzio DITE”, dichiara Alberto Fattori direttore generale del Consorzio DITE, “al Palazzo Lombardia di Shanghai è ora possibile incentivare e supportare un sempre maggiore trasferimento tecnologico tra Cina ed Italia e le diverse applicazioni nei business tra i due paesi”.

“Inoltre, con i recenti accordi con alcuni canali televisivi cinesi”, continua Alberto Fattori, “possiamo ora anche offrire alle imprese gli spazi per creare e distribuire nuovi Formats TV e produzioni Cross-Mediali che possano utilizzare, in maniera combinata, i diversi media cinesi, siano essi tradizionali od innovativi.

“Sono entusiasta di essere arrivato in Italia, a Milano in particolare presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano.”, ha dichiarato Zhou Lei alla partenza dall’aeroporto di Pudong - Shanghai, “ paese per il quale nutro da sempre una grande ammirazione, tanto da essere un grande tifoso dell’Inter, guido in Cina una FIAT e ho una particolare predilezione per la Pizza e la pasta”.

“Ringrazio la Huawei per la fiducia accordatami e la sponsorizzazione ricevuta, così come i responsabili del Consolato Italiano a Shanghai, per il grande lavoro e il supporto che mi hanno dato nella procedura per l’ottenimento del VISTO e consentirmi così di non perdere l’occasione di questa fantastica esperienza che mi appresto a vivere nei prossimi mesi, una avventura sia professionale, ma soprattutto umana”.

Con questo nuovo partecipante, il 3° Master IDTV della Università Statale di Milano si conferma essere punto di riferimento internazionale e di eccellenza di primissimo piano, sul tema della Televisiva Digitale Interattiva e nella formazione delle professionalità per questo settore fortemente innovativo.

Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione:

Palazzo Lombardia
Shanghai – China

Alberto Fattori
Direttore Generale Consorzio DITE
Agenzia per la Cina Innovation & Development
Coordinatore China Media LAB ;
Voip Italiano: +39 02 303123673

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Saturday, December 8, 2007



泰诺健公司荣获了2008年北京奥运会的第一块“金牌”!这家在运动健身、“全面健康” 和康复领域享有盛名的公司被指定为2008年北京奥运会的独家官方合作伙伴。泰诺健也因此成为了唯一个非中国公司的北京奥运会独家官方供应商。
“这是全公司的胜利!我要和所有员工一起分享这伟大的成果!” 泰诺健的创始人兼总裁Nerio Alessandri兴奋地说,“胜利也属于我们的故乡意大利罗马涅区——那是一个充满激情、非常优秀的地方。”
泰诺健公司中国区董事总经理Marco Treggiari也高兴地说:“这次和中国奥组委签订的协议,对于泰诺健在中国将来的发展是一个伟大的里程碑。我们的公司像一棵年轻的小树,在中国的土壤里深深扎下了根。我们优质的产品、关于奥运会的经验、我们的可靠度,在中国的优秀团队,推动创新的精神、以及顾客的信赖度都将促使这棵小树不断茁壮成长。我为这份协议感到骄傲,我们公司所有员工都将全力以赴,追求更大的成功。”

Tara Wang & Teresa Tao
Tel +8621 61267600 Fax +8621 61267611

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Technogym® wins the Beijing Olympics

The company has been appointed for the fourth time as “Exclusive Supplier of Fitness Equipment” to the next Olympic Games

Technogym has secured the first Olympic gold at Beijing 2008. The Italian company, leader in the fitness, wellness and athletic preparation sector, has been appointed as Fitness Equipment Exclusive Official Supplier to the Beijing Olympic Games which will be held in August 2008.
Technogym is the only non-Chinese company to be named an Exclusive Official Supplier to the Games.

After Sydney 2000, Athens 2004 and Turin 2006 it is now the turn of Beijing 2008: the fourth consecutive Olympics for Technogym that established itself as a reference company in the sports world. Over 12,000 Olympic athletes from over 200 countries, who will be competing in 28 sports category, will be training with Technogym equipment in Beijing.

Technogym has been chosen ahead of other US and local Chinese competitors for “the quality of its vast and complete range of products and services, as well as for the experience it has accumulated in the previous Olympic Games” stated Mr. Liu Jun, Deputy Director of Marketing Department at BOCOG (Beijing 2008 Olympics Organizing Committee).

“This important achievement represents a victory for the whole company. We are very proud to have been chosen for the 4th time as the official supplier of the Olympic Games and represent our industry at the most important and prestigious sports event world wide” stated Nerio Alessandri, President and Founder of Technogym. Nerio Alessandri added: “ The Olympic Games represents a unique opportunity to promote the wellness lifestyle and attract more people to regular physical activity”.

In Beijing Technogym will set up 10 training facilities including the main fitness centre inside the Olympic Village with around 1000 cardio and strength equipment. A fully-equipped wellness centre will be also available for BOCOG staff and another centre for the 20,000 journalists attending the event. Technogym will offer state-of-the art technology and services to manage all the above mentioned facilities providing qualified fitness coaches.

Furthermore, the Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) itself has chosen Technogym as Official Supplier for the preparation of its national teams. Technogym has already begun to equip all the facilities designated for the athletic preparation of the noteworthy Chinese Olympic contingent.

In all, there will be around twenty fitness preparation centres dedicated to the various Chinese sport federations involved in the great Olympic contest.

Technogym is currently working alongside the Ferrari, Alinghi and Luna Rossa Teams in the prestigious America’s Cup yachting challenge, supplying the world’s biggest football clubs including Milan, Inter, Juventus, Barcelona, Ajax, Liverpool and Chelsea and was recently involved in the Asian Games in Doha, Qatar.

For further information:
Enrico Manaresi – International PR & Media Relations Manager
Phone +39054756047 – Fax +390547650505 –

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Seminario Internazionale “Expo Mondiale 2010 e lo Sviluppo dell’Industria di Servizi di Xuhui" - 世博会与徐汇现在服务业发展国际研讨会

Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Sezione di Shanghai
意大利驻沪总领事馆 文化处

Il Direttore Paolo Sabbatini

è lieto di informare che terrà un discorso al Seminario Internazionale “Expo Mondiale 2010 e lo Sviluppo dell’Industria di Servizi di Xuhui”, organizzato dalle autorità del Distretto Omonimo, dal titolo:

Culture is Lifestyle; Lifestyle is Business

Data: venerdì 7 dicembre 2007 alle ore 15

Luogo: Regal International East Asia Hotel, 2F, Banqueting Hall

Indirizzo: Hengshan Lu 516, Shanghai






The Director Paolo Sabbatini

is delighted to announce that he will give a speech as a key-note speaker at the International Seminar on “World Expo 2010 & the Development of Xuhui Modern Service Industry” with the title:
Culture is Lifestyle; Lifestyle is Business

The Seminar has been organized by the authorities of the Xuhui District.

Date: Friday, December 7th, 2007, at 15p.m.

Venue: Regal International East Asia Hotel, 2F, Banqueting Hall

Address: No.516 Hengshan Rd., Shanghai

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

1° Capitolo dei “Promessi Sposi” di A.Manzoni 曼佐尼《约婚夫妇》第一章中的意大利语言

Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Sezione di Shanghai
意大利驻沪总领事馆 文化处

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Sezione di Shanghai

è lieto di annunciare che il Direttore Paolo Sabbatini terrà una prolusione al “Corso di Perfezionamento per italianisti cinesi” (un’attività finanziata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri d’Italia) dal titolo:

La Lingua Italiana nel 1° Capitolo dei “Promessi Sposi” di A.Manzoni:
un messaggio di pace, armonia, speranza

Data: mercoledì 5 dicembre 2007 alle ore 10

Luogo: Shanghai International Studies University, Hongkou Campus, Palazzo n.1, 709#

Indirizzo: 550 Dalian Rd. (W), Shanghai







The Culture Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai

is delighted to announce that the Director Paolo Sabbatini will give a lecture at the opening of the “High Studies Course for Chinese italianists” (an event financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy) with the title:

The Italian Language in the 1st Chapter of “The Betrothed” by A.Manzoni:

a message of peace, harmony, hope

Date: Wednesday, December 5th, 2007, at 10a.m.

Venue: Shanghai International Studies University (Hongkou Campus), Building 1, Room 709

Address: 550 Dalian Rd. (W), Shanghai

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Pirelli & C. SpA is the parent company, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, of a multinational Group which is active in over 160 countries and which has 135 years of industrial experience based on recognised excellence in innovation and a profound understanding of global markets.

Pirelli operates in the tyre sector with Pirelli Tyre, fifth in the world in terms of revenue and leader in the high-end segments of the market, with 25 manufacturing plants in 12 countries around the world. In real estate the Group is present with Pirelli RE, a company that in just a few years has affirmed its leadership in Italy, introducing a new business model and highly professional standards. Pirelli RE has recently begun expansion in Central and Eastern Europe.

The Pirelli Group also features two start-ups: Pirelli Broadband Solutions, active in the fields of broadband access and second generation photonics, and Pirelli Ambiente, specialising in environmental and sustainable development projects such as the Gecam™ low environmental impact fuel, particulate filters, photovoltaic energy and quality waste-derived fuel. The Group’s “innovation engine” is represented by Pirelli Labs, the advanced research centre at the service of all Pirelli businesses. Pirelli Labs has partnerships with universities and research centres around the world.

In 2006, the Pirelli Group reported sales of 4,841 million euros and operating income of 401.4 million euros. At the end of 2006 the Group had around 28 thousand employees.


Pirelli & C.股份公司 是在意大利证券交易市场名单上的母公司,是一个多国集团,其经营活动跨越160个国家,在对革新的完美认知和对全球市场的深入了解基础上,在工业领域内积累了135年的经验。

Pirelli 集团以Pirelli轮胎公司在世界轮胎领域年利润排名第五并成为市场高水平层的先导,它在世界12个国家拥有25家制造厂。在房地产方面,Pirelli集团以Pirelli RE公司为代表,短短的几年内已经在意大利确立了其领导地位,引入了一种全新的商业模式和高等专业标准。Pirelli RE最近开始在中欧和东欧进一步扩展。

Pirelli集团还以两家新兴公司为特点:Pirelli 宽带解决方案公司, 在宽带接入和第二代光子领域运营,Pirelli 环境公司, 专业从事环境和可证实的发展项目,诸如Gecam™低环境污染燃油,特种过滤器,光电能源和高品质垃圾衍生燃料。集团的“革新引擎”是Pirelli实验室,先进的研究中心为Pirelli的商业活动提供服务。Pirelli实验室与世界各地的大学和研究中心建立有合作关系。


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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Interstore Shanghai - Official Opening 国际米兰上海专卖店 - 官方开幕

FC Internazionale's flagship store in China will be officially inaugurated during a press conference to take place at the 21st Century Sports City shopping center in Shanghai on Friday 30 November 2007.
The Italian Serie A champions will be represented at the inauguration ceremony by the club's vice president Angelomario Moratti, CEO and managing director Ernesto Paolillo, commercial director Katia Bassi and a member of Roberto Mancini's first team.

Interstore Shanghai
One hundred square metres of black and blue at the heart of Shanghai in China, a nation where Inter are consistently voted the most loved European football team.
Fans and football enthusiasts can now purchase official club merchandise and share their passion for Inter at the brand new Interstore in China's economic hub.
The eye-catching store, with its two huge display windows facing directly onto the street and Inter's centenary 'Biscione' logo on a large poster, is located within the 21st Century Sports City in Shanghai's busy Sichuan Road North shopping area.
Open seven days a week from ten in the morning until ten in the evening, Interstore Shanghai offers a full range of official Inter products, from replica shirts and leisurewear to balls, bags and gadgets.
Interstore Shanghai, where shopping becomes an interactive experience, is more than just a merchandising outlet. With changing rooms and benches similar to those at the world-famous San Siro Stadium, a free internet cafè, and a permanent exhibition of photos depicting Inter's long history, the aim has been to recreate an authentic atmosphere and a meeting place for Inter fans in what is fast becoming one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities.

China, Inter and Pirelli
Inter became the first western football club to promote the development of Chinese football back in 1978 when the club replied to an invitation from the National Sports Bureau, sending a delegation of coaches to provide technical support to Su Yongshen's national team.
The club has maintained strong links with China ever since, particularly in recent years with initiatives such as the founding of an Inter Campus in Qingdao, summer friendly matches against China Super League sides and the national Olympics team, Serie A championship matches played with the Pirelli logo on Inter's shirts in Chinese characters, and the launch of an official Mandarin Chinese channel of the official website

The Pirelli Group, official sponsor of FC Internazionale, is one of the most important Italian companies operating in China. The country is playing a growing role in the Group’s strategy of expansion worldwide. In 2005, Pirelli started truck tyre manufacturing in the Shandong Province. On Tuesday 27 November a new plant for the production of high-performance car tyres will be opened in the same area.

Finally, in order to officially introduce the Company to the people of China and further strengthen its links with the country, on Thursday 29 November Pirelli will present in Shanghai the 2008 edition of the celebrated Calendar. It is the first Pirelli Calendar in history to be set and presented in Asia. Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman of Pirelli, is a board member of FC Internazionale.

Interstore Shanghai is the latest of a series of initiatives planned for the future as part of Inter's global brand development project. Plans include the introduction of a range of products tailored for the local market, the opening of more merchandising outlets around China, mail order and e-commerce initiatives, and the development of Chinese football at grassroots level through the opening of Inter-branded soccer schools.

"We are honoured to open our flagship Interstore in this remarkable city of Shanghai," said Angelomario Moratti, vice president of F.C. Internazionale.
"The launch of this outlet is a further step to expand Inter's presence in the rapidly growing Chinese market and to bridge the geographical gap that separates us from our millions of supporters in China."

Ernesto Paolillo, F.C. Internazionale's managing director and chief operating officer, added: "Today, most of Inter's sponsors and partners are from outside the Greater China region. Thanks to the sponsorship of Pirelli, Nike and Sky, to name just a few, Inter's management has been able to sign some of the most talented players in the world.
“I hope that we can win the support of Chinese corporate clients as we have done with business communities elsewhere."

国际米兰上海专卖店 - 官方开幕

开幕活动当天俱乐部副主席安杰洛•马里奥•莫拉蒂(Angelo Mario Moratti),执行主席兼总经理厄内斯托•保利洛(Ernesto Paolillo),商业主任凯蒂•芭莎女士(Katia Bassi)以及一名来自罗伯托•曼奇尼(Roberto Mancini)队伍的神秘球员将为各位展示这支意大利甲A冠军球队的风采。

在国际米兰的上海专卖店内,你将感受到的是一种互动的体验,而不仅仅是一个购物的场所。更衣室和沙发都是根据著名的圣西罗体育场(San Siro Stadium)设计的。店内提供免费的英特网区域和国际米兰俱乐部的小型照片陈列馆,这一切都为在这个世界大都市的球迷营造了一个震撼人心的真实氛围。

俱乐部与中国的亲密接触在近几年里变得越来越频繁。俱乐部在中国青岛成立了国米训练营,并在夏天与中国超级联赛冠军和国家奥林匹克足球队进行了友谊赛,国米意甲队服上倍耐力轮胎(Pirelli)的标识也印上了中文,俱乐部中文官方网站 也已正式开通。

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